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Living in an old home but now want your house to be updated with the latest trends in real estate? This transition for landowners is not as easy as it sounds, in fact it is quite a challenge. Finding someone to buy their property, making sure it’s the right price, then searching for a new flat in their budget, making sure they aren’t overpaying for it, moving to a completely new locality etc. are just some of the challenges involved in upgrading your homes. Moreover, the flats available in the market are often seen to be very commercially designed to appeal the masses. This we know doesn’t attract people living in bungalows used to open floor lifestyle. What if you could deal with just one person who would upgrade your home without making you go through all these challenges. We wanted to address this very specific niche in the market. #swasticgroup

We at Swastic Group are pioneers at Joint Venture Developments, whereby a landowner doesn’t actually sell us his plot, but instead commissions us to redevelop on his piece of land, keep the area he desires in the new construction, and in lieu of payment for the new construction, give us a part of it. Moreover, the landlord usually also gets a significant sum of money out of this transaction.

How is it different from actually moving into a new flat you may ask? Well for starters the landowner doesn’t move out of his old locality, no new address, no new searching for convenience stores, his daily routine just as it used to be. Moreover, the task of having to deal with such large sums of money is avoided. The landowner just gets to collect the net money he would have saved in one go. Instead of buying readymade flats and then spending money to customise it, the landowner in case of Joint Venture developments with us, has a say in design from day 1 of the project. He gets to oversee the construction, make sure it’s to his liking, have the flat planned exactly as he would want, all this without the burden of actually being responsible for the construction. You the landowner gets to dictate the flow of work should you wish to. In simpler words, it’s like buying a tailor-made suit compared to a ready-made suit designed to fit standard sizes.

We started in 1984 in Kolkata specifically addressing people with similar needs and then after being really successful in helping people realize their dreams, we expanded our operation to New Delhi in 2011. Today we are well known in the Real Estate Industry for our reliability, competence, trustworthiness and professionalism, and most importantly our zero-tolerance attitude towards structural safety. #testimonials

Swastic Group has built an outstanding track record for itself having delivered 97% of its projects on time. We are really very proud of this fact, more so because it has been achieved with not a handful but more than 200 projects under its name. #ourprojects

Joint Ventures #jointventures or Collaboration deals #collaboration are a very niche market, and we claim it very proudly and fairly than no one does these better than us.

Are you interested in realizing your dream of a modern home too? Contact us for consultation. #contactus

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